Setting Up Your Dashboard

You're dashboard consists of 3 parts, each one giving you a view of what's going on from a micro level all the way up to a macro level:

Recent Activity Feed

The activity feed shows all recent activity performed on accounts which are in the teams you're a part of.  You can limit the type of activity you're interested in as well as a specific team of accounts you'd like to monitor by clicking the gear icon at the top right of the feed.

From the pop up box, you can select the Activities and Teams for which you want to see a history on your dashboard.

Activity in Last 7 Days 

This widget will give you a quick summary of the work being performed on the accounts you have access to.  This summary takes the same filters you've applied to the feed to get these numbers.  Meaning if you've deselected the "Quality Team" in your feed settings, those activities will not be included in these summaries.

Recent News

Check with recent news occasionally to see what we've released!  Mobile updates, bug fixes, new features and general news from InspectAll will be available here.


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