Attribute Exclusions

Add Exclusions

Hiding questions based on a user's answers is a great way to speed up filling out forms. It also prevents users from mistakenly answering non-relevant questions. We allow questions to be hidden based on answers given when filling out asset attributes.

For example, say you created a form to inspect a piece of machinery. You may have an attribute that asks you the following:

Frequency of Use

  • Not in Use
  • Seldom
  • Frequent
  • Heavy

If the user says your piece of machinery has a "Heavy" frequency of use, you will more than likely ask more questions than if the piece of machinery were "Not in Use". When "Not in Use" is chosen, you will just setup the questions to be excluded from the form.

Exclude Questions

  1. It's important to fully build your form prior to excluding questions.
  2. Click (Your Name) > Form Builder
  3. Click into the class, then form that you want to work in.
  4. Make sure Asset Tracking is turned on (if it's not:
    • Click Edit Form (the pencil icon) on the class you'd like to make attributes on.
    • Make sure that Asset Tracking is checked.
    • Click 'Update Class'.
  5. Click Attributes to pull up the attributes for the class.
  6. Click Add Row to add a new attribute to the asset.
  7. Enter the following information:
    • Name: The name of the attribute. For example, we may call ours "Frequency of Use".
    • Input Type: Select Picker.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click on the link labeled 0 options beside the new attribute.
  10. Add as many options as you want by clicking the Add Row button.
    • Fill out the Name of each Attribute Option. For example, for "Frequency of Use" you may add 4 options: "Not in Use", "Seldom", "Frequent", and "Heavy".
  11. Click Exclude Questions beside the attribute option that will need questions excluded.
  12. Select the questions to be excluded based on this attribute being chosen.

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