Getting Started with InspectAll

Getting started with InspectAll is easy.

Here's a step-by-step guide of what to expect in the set up process.  

Step 1 - Demo by Webinar

Get a chance to see a live demo by web so you can get a feel for what InspectAll has to offer for your organization, and ask lots of questions.  The demo takes any where from 30 mins to an hour, depending on questions.  Just give us a call or shoot us an email and we will get the demo scheduled for you.  The best part, is you can do it right from your home or office.  We share our screen and a real live person talks to you about what you need.

Step 2 - Free Trial

You've seen it, now you can try it.  We offer a free 14-day trial so you can get into a live InspectAll account and try it for yourself.  Push buttons, add assets, try and break it!  You can even conduct inspections during your trial that you can keep in your account if you decide to sign up.

Step 3 - Go Active!

After you've tried it, and think it's amazing, you can sign on for an active account.  We will just get your billing and user information and activate your account.

Step 4 - Account Set Up

We've done this a million times (well, maybe not a MILLION), but we are pretty handy in helping you get set up and running.  We will talk about how you want to see your information, set up your folder types and form templates, put your company logos on your reports, and import any account or asset data you have so you can hit the ground running.    Set up is quick and easy.  If you already know what you want, it can be completed the day you sign on.  And data imports can be completed within a week.

Step 5 - Training

Part of the InspectAll set up package is training for all your colleagues.  We start with an Admin training so the go-to people in your organization can become InspectAll gurus, then we follow up with web and mobile training so the users in the field know what they are doing.  Don't worry, if you don't get it the first time around, we can always do a follow up.  You also have 24/7 access to our support docs for a quick reference.  Admin training usually takes about an hour - hour and a half.  Mobile training is quicker, only about half an hour for each session.

Step 6 - Get Rockin'!

After we get you all set up and trained, there's nothing left to do but start using InspectAll.  You can do all sorts of things to customize your experience with the InspectAll platform, and you’ll constantly discover more ways you can use it.  And your friendly InspectAll team is available if you need help.

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