How do I share and work with another User on the same Folder?


At InspectAll, we believe that keeping everyone on the same page is key to producing good work. To ensure everyone is working together, folders can be shared to other people in your company by scheduling them to the same folder. When the folder is in their schedule, it will become available to them on their mobile app. Anyone with permissions to login to the web app will see all folders all the time.

Share a Folder

Mobile Instructions

Note:  To share a folder with another user from the mobile app, you will want to create a Team (in addition to the default all users team), and add users that will need to share folders with each other.  More information on creating a managing Teams can be found here.

  1. Tap Folders from the Main Menu.
  2. Find the folder you want to share and tap into it.
  3. Tap the folder to edit the folder's details.
  4. Select the members of your team that you would like to share the folder with. (This will schedule the folder for the same dates and times you are currently scheduled.)
  5. Tap Done.

Web Instructions (from the Calendar View)

  1. Click Calendar from the main menu.
  2. Click the arrow in the top right corner of the scheduled event.
  3. In the dropdown, select Share.
  4. Once you've clicked this, you can now click anywhere within any user's row on the calendar to share the event. Shared schedules can be pasted to one or more days by clicking and dragging in an available space.
  5. When you are done sharing the schedule, simply close the pop-up by clicking x in the top right corner of the shared schedule's popup.

    Share a Folder Web

Web Instructions (from the Folder Tab)

Go into the Folder you want to update.

Click on the Schedule icon:  

Working with other users on a Folder or Form

It's important, when working with other users on a folder, to both sync regularly, as well as communicate about what forms you will be working on.  If two users work on the same questions within a form, or re-order forms, then whoever syncs last will be the user whose information is saved.   If more than one user will be working on the same form within the folder, they will need to ensure they are communicating about their syncs so they don't overwrite each others' data. 

The rule of thumb with syncing is, whichever device syncs last is the information that is uploaded. 

So, if for instance, Inspector A goes into form 1234 and fills out question #2, then works on some other information. Then Inspector B goes into form 1234 (because Inspector A hasn't synced up yet) and also works on question #2, then syncs (or has their auto-sync on and it syncs while they are in the blank form), then it will be updated with the information from the last person to touch the question on that form. 

You CAN work on the same form at the same time, as long as you are not "touching" the questions another user is working on.

One suggestion, to ensure no one is overwriting another's data, would be for the inspectors to add their name (or a web user add their name) to the form NOTES under FORM DETAILS to ensure no one is working on the same form at the same time. 

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