My Teams

When you are assigned to a team, you can only access the accounts, folders, and forms assigned to that team. You can see a list of teams you are a part of in the My Profile page.

By default, InspectAll is setup with an All Users team. You will always be a member of the All Users team.

My teams

How Team Permissions Work

  • Mobile users will only see accounts assigned to teams that they are a member of.
  • Web and mobile users will only be able to create folders of the type(s) assigned to teams that they are a member of.
  • Web and mobile users will only be able to add forms assigned to team(s) that they are a member of.
  • Admin users will always be able to see all accounts, create all folders, and create all forms on any device.
  • For the Teams permissions to work, you must first remove all Accounts, Folder Types, and Form Templates from the All Users Team that you want to limit.  Any of these that are assigned to All Users will always be accessible to All Users.

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