What are "Folders" in InspectAll?

What are “Folders” in InspectAll?

Folders are an important feature in InspectAll and they perform several different functions.

They are an organizational tool.

  • Folder Description and Folder ID are both editable fields in each folder that help you better identify and locate information in a folder
  • They allow you to organize your forms by the type or frequency of inspection you are doing. 
  • The Folders Tab on the web is like a giant virtual file cabinet.  And you can use the filters on the left hand side of the screen to find the information you are looking for.

They are a scheduling Tool.

  • Creating a folder in InspectAll kicks off a process.  Look at it like taking a manila folder and adding the forms to it that you want completed, and handing it to someone.  You do the same thing on InspectAll, just virtually.
  • You can share folders with other users on your team (on the Calendar on the web or from the mobile).
  • You can reschedule a folder for a follow up.
  • You can create a folder series that schedules a folder at the interval you select.

They are a reporting tool.

  • All forms that you add to a folder can be printed off in a single Folder Report (from the web or the mobile).
  • You can adjust the type of report you populate just by changing the folder type.  You will get a new report with the same information based on the preferences you identify in Folder Settings.Start by setting up your folder setting preferences.

Click here to learn how to use Folder Settings.

Once you have your preferences all set up, go ahead and Schedule a Folder.

Click here to learn how to Schedule a Single Folder

Click here to learn how to schedule a Folder Series.

Once you have created your folder, add some forms to it. 

Click here to learn how to add forms.

After you have completed your forms, you can run a folder report.

Click here to learn how to Run a Folder Report

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