05/12/2021 - Time Feature now available on ANDROID

The TIME module has just been released for use on Android mobile devices.

This TIME feature allows mobile users to punch-in and punch-out from the InspectAll app, assign time to a Folder, and even categorize it.  Admin users are able to manage time cards and run reports from the website to help with job costing or payroll.

More information on how the feature works can be found HERE.

If you would like TIME added to your account, just have an Admin user on your account send an email to support@inspectall.com.

Note:  The time feature, once turned on, will be visible for every mobile user.  If you are using the Time feature for the first time, be sure to do a sync, then delete and reinstall the InspectAll app on your mobile device.  Admin users will need to do a refresh to see the Time Tab and Time Settings option on the Admin menu.

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