3/23/2015 - Changes are coming to Reporting!
- 3/23/2015
We've been making improvements to our web application's reports and subscriptions including splitting up the "Reports" menu into other locations in the app.
The reporting widget has been revamped and moved into the "Insights" tab. Starting Tuesday, Mar 24th, you can go to "Insights" to see reports grouped by topic with all new descriptions to better explain the data you can download.
Subscriptions have been moved to your profile and renamed to "Email Notifications". Currently there are 4 email notifications you can sign up to receive:
Priorities Detailed: See recent answers with a priority found by the selected teams. Each answer has a link to it's account, folder, asset, and form. Each answer's question, priority, resolution, and photos are shown.
Priorities Overview: See recent priorities found in accounts assigned to the selected teams. Every high, medium, and low priority is listed by account and the number of priorities resolved is shown.
My Schedule: See a list of upcoming folder's and/or priorities assigned to you. Every folder's type, id, dates scheduled, description, account, and location are shown. Every priorities' question, due date, answer, form, and account are shown.
Priorities Overdue: See all priorities past their resolution due date. Each priority has a link to it's account, folder, asset, and form. Each priorities' question, answer, resolution, and photos are shown.
To add or edit existing email notifications, click on your name in the top right corner of the app, select "My Profile" and scroll down to "My Email Notifications".