5/2/2014 - An All New InspectAll Dashboard

We have launched an all new dashboard for the InspectAll webApp. The new Dashboard will help you keep the pulse on what's going on in your InspectAll account. From the dashboard you can track activity on assets, forms, folders, accounts, and teams, putting all of your relevent information in one place. In addition to having the most up to date information about user activity, the "Load More" button at the bottom of your feed will pull up historical activity.

v4 Dashboard

Even better, the Dashboard is customizable! You have the power to choose what infomation you need and want to see. You can filter the information shown in your recent activity by account activity, folder activity, form completion, and priorities identifed. Use the team filter to focus on the activities you are involved in or responsible for.

Customize v4 Dashboard

Once your Dashboard has been customozied to your liking, you can use the "Activity This Week" widget to the right of the Recent Activity feed as an overview of what is going on.

The new Dashboard will also help you navigate quickly through your InspectAll account. Click on the folder, form, asset, or account to be immediatly linked to the activity you are interested in.

We think the update has made the Dashboard a powerful and intuitive tool to help you stay informed and involved!

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