1/23/2013 - New Features for InspectAll Mobile 2.0!

This version requires a database upgrade. Be sure and manually sync your device before installing this upgrade to ensure all goes smoothly.

New Features:

  • Team Assignments: Accounts, Forms, and Folders can be assigned to teams so that you will only see the data relevant to the teams you've been assigned to.
  • Contacts: We've added a basic contact feature to help you keep track of the contacts you make at each account. Learn How to Add a Contact.
  • Canned Comments: Canned comments can now be created out in the field. If you find yourself reusing verbiage, create it as a canned comment to reuse next time! And best, this canned comment will be shared with anyone using that form.
  • Point Notify: When you find a priority on a point, you can email a summary of that point right there on the spot. Look for the "Email" icon in the "Resolve Priority" section of the point.
  • Folder Sharing: On folder creation you can choose members of your team to share it with. This will place that new folder on their schedule the same day it's placed on yours. This helps teams that may be working on the same audit or inspection.
  • FolderID: FolderID's now auto-generate on the server based on a set of rules setup for that folder. New folderID's will be smaller and easier to read.
  • Report Rendering: Larger reports could potentially timeout. We've increased the render timeout to 5 minutes which allows for fetching of reports in the 10's of MB's.
  • Additional bug fixes and performance improvements!

Download the update now from the app store.

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