Add Photos


Photos are an excellent way to draw attention to things you find while answering questions on a form. Adding pictures will give everyone a better understanding of what is going on during an inspection or audit. Photos can be taken within the InspectAll app, added from the pictures you have saved to your mobile, or added on the web from a desktop file.

Mobile Instructions

Add a Photo

  1. Tap into the Form you want to work on.
  2. Tap the question you want to add a photo to. To take a new photo:
    • Tap Add Photo.
    • Using your device's camera, capture the photo.
    • Tap Use to add the photo to the question. To use an existing photo:
    • Tap Choose Existing.
    • The app may then ask you to allow InspectAll to access your photos, tap OK.
    • Choose a photo from your Camera Roll to add to the question.
  3. Tap the area beside the photo to add any captions.
  4. Tap the photo to sketch on top of the photo. Choose a color and draw on the photo using your finger or stylus, then click Save. Note: Some photos are archived to save space on your device. Archived photos do not allow for annotation.
  5. Tap Share inside the photo's sketch panel to Delete the Photo, Email the Photo, or Save the Photo to your Camera Roll.

Add a Photo

Delete a Photo

  1. Tap into the Form you want to work on.
  2. Tap the question you want to delete the photo from.
  3. Tap the photo you would like to delete.
  4. Tap the Action Icon.
  5. Tap Delete Photo.

Delete a Photo

Web Instructions

Add a Photo

  1. Click on the question in the form you want to edit.
  2. Click Add Photo above the caption box to open up your computer's files.
  3. Select one or many photos (some browsers restrict selection to only one photo at a time) to upload to the question.
  4. The photo(s) should display within the photo's area if they were successfully uploaded. Click the photo to see a full preview of the photo.

Add or Edit a Photo's Caption

  1. Click on the question in the form you want to edit.
  2. Type the caption desired beside the photo (500 character limit)

Delete a Photo

  1. Click the delete icon to the right of the photo.
  2. Click OK to confirm you want to delete the photo.

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