Integrate using Zapier
Connect Your Apps and Automate Workflows
Easy automation for busy people. Zapier moves info between your web apps automatically, so you can focus on your most important work.
InspectAll has a Zapier app which allows you to easily connect with over 750 other apps and services such as Salesforce, Quickbooks, Gmail.... If you'd like access to our Zapier app just submit a request to or contact your account rep. Currently InspectAll supports the following Zaps:
Triggers (Bringing data into Zapier)
Triggers notify Zapier when something happens in InspectAll. For example you could create a Zap based on the "New Account" trigger to create a new Account in Salesforce when a new account is created in InspectAll.
- New Account - Fires after an account has been created.
- New Folder - Fires after a folder has been created.
- Closed Folder - Fires after a folder has been closed.
- New Folder File - Fires when a new file is attached to a folder (used for exporting reports).
- New Folder Schedule - Fires when a folder is scheduled to a user
- New Form - Fires after a new form is created.
- Completed Form - Fires after a form is marked complete.
- New Priority-High - Fires when a High priority is found on a form.
- New Priority-Medium - Fires when a Medium priority is found on a form.
- New Priority-Low - Fires when a Low priority is found on a form.
Actions (Zapier sending data out)
Actions are what we allow you to push into InspectAll. For example you could create a Zap which creates a new account in InspectAll when a new account is created in Salesforce.
- Create Folder - Allows you to create a folder (you must know the type of folder and account you'd like to create the folder in.
- Create Account - Allows you to create a new account in InspectAll.
- Create Folder Report - Allows you to create a PDF report of a folder and optionally attach it to the folder (thus triggering a New Folder File trigger which you can setup a zap for. This action is how you would go about sending a folder report to another service.)
Searches (Finding existing records)
Searches allow you to request an object by a search term. For example as part of your Zap you could do a quick search of accounts to see if it exists before you create a new one.
- Find Account
To get started using Zapier, click here for details: