Priorities Reports

Reporting on Priorities

In InspectAll, all findings are categorized by the priority level assigned during an inspection.  You can assign a "Low, Medium, or High" priority to any issue you find.  If no issue is found, a "Good" priority level is assigned, and if the question isn't applicable, then an "N/A" priority will be assigned.

Utilizing these priority levels allows you to customize your folder reports, notifications, and also review priority findings by account, folder, asset, or date range.

Priorities by Account

To see all priorities found by account, go to your account tab on the web, and find the account for which you want to review priorities, and go into that Account.

Once in the Account, you will see all priorities ever identified on any form completed for that account.

You can filter these by "Resolved" or "Unresolved" by tapping on the appropriate button above the listing.  

You can also DOWNLOAD a priorities report that will populate in Excel.

Priorities by Folder

To see all priorities found by Folder, go to your Folder tab on the web, and find the Folder for which you want to review priorities, and go into that Folder.

Within the Folder, you will see a TOOL BAR.  This tool bar allows you to view items for that folder.  From Left to Right, FORMS, PRIORITIES, PICTURES, CALENDAR, TIMES, RECENT ACTIVITY.

To see the PRIORITIES for that folder, tap on the PRIORITIES icon. 

You can filter these priorities by "Resolved" or "Unresolved" by tapping on the appropriate button above the listing.  

You can also DOWNLOAD a priorities report that will populate in Excel.

Priorities by Asset

To see all priorities found by Asset, go to your Asset tab on the web, and find the Asset for which you want to review priorities, and go into that Asset.

Within the ASSET, you will see a TOOL BAR.  This tool bar allows you to view items for that ASSET.  From Left to Right, ATTRIBUTES, FORMS, PRIORITIES, PICTURES, ACTIVITY.

To see the PRIORITIES for that Asset, tap on the PRIORITIES icon. 

You can filter these priorities by "Resolved" or "Unresolved" by tapping on the appropriate button above the listing.  

You can also DOWNLOAD a priorities report that will populate in Excel by clicking on the download icon. 

Or download an Asset Report into PDF by clicking on the "Download Report" button at the top right.

Priorities by Date Range

To see all priorities found by a date range, for all accounts and assets, go to the Insights tab on the web, and click the Download icon beside the first report option, "Priorities Found."

This report exports all questions given a low, medium, or high priority between the dates selected. It also includes the question's form name, answer, answer date, resolve status, and user who answered the question. Max export of 65,000 rows.

In the pop up screen, enter the date range for which you want to pull the priorities and then click "Download Report."  This report can then be filtered by account, or any of the other columns using Excel filters.

All Priorities

To view a list of All priorities, go to your Priorities Tab on the web.  From this view, you can see all priorities ever identified.  You can filter by "Unresolved or Resolved" at the top.  Or use the Filter By Status tools on the left hand side to see priorities by level or assignment. 

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