Rounding Places on InspectAll mobile App

Rounding Places

In a numerical field question type on the InspectAll mobile app, the "Rounding Places" setting will allow you to choose to which decimal place your number will round.

Go to the device settings (not within the InspectAll app), but in the device itself.

Search "InspectAll".

Under the "Number Formatting" section, tap on "rounding Places" and enter the number.  

For example, if you want your number to round to three decimal places as in 1.034, then enter "3".  That will tell the app to make 1.03432 display as 1.034.

Trailing Zeros

Trailing Zeros determines if you would like to have zeros shown after the last digit entered, up to the number of the rounding places selected.

For example, if you have your Rounding Places entered as 3, and "Keep Trailing Zeros" is on, you can enter 1.03, and the number will display as 1.030.

These settings are currently only available on the Apple (iOS) version of the App.

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