I can't see all my assets!

I can't see my forms and assets!

If you are on the mobile or web app adding forms to a folder and aren't able to see all the Form Templates or Assets for that account, there are three possible reasons for the omission.

1 - Team Set Up

You will only be able to pick a form template if that form template is assigned to one or more of the Teams you belong to.  If you find that you aren't able to access a class of asset, contact your company administrator so they can check the Team Settings.  More information on Teams can be found HERE.

2 - Folder Location

If you create a folder and tag it with a location, it will automatically FILTER the assets by that location.  So you will only see assets that are tagged with the same location on the mobile app when you go to select your asset forms.  If you didn't mean to apply this filter, you can just remove the folder location to see all available assets for the account.

3 - Unpublished Form

Contact your administrator to ensure the form template you are looking for is PUBLISHED in Form Builder.  If they have done recent edits to the form template, you may need to do a sync to see the form template with the changes from your mobile app.

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