Team Setup


InspectAll will help you create a work flow everyone will be able to stick to. Teams are critical to creating an effective process. Teams will help you stay organized, no matter how many users you have! You can assign accounts, folders and forms to specific team members to ensure that everyone has the resources relevant to them. Users assigned to a team can only access the accounts, folders, and forms assigned to that team.

All Users Team

By default, InspectAll is setup with an All Users team. Any accounts, folder types, or form assigned to the All Users team are public since all users are a part of the team. 

To best utilize teams, the first step will be to REMOVE any account, folder type, or form template from the All Users team that you don't want every user with a login to have access to.  You can mass remove accounts from All Users from the Teams menu.

When using teams to hide folder types, accounts, or forms from users who are not members of that team, be sure to remove those folder types, accounts, and forms from the All Users  team.

Users can be part of multiple teams.

You can also share folders from the mobile device with any member(s) of your team(s).  A new team (outside of the All Users  team) will have to be created for mobile folder sharing.  

Manage Teams

How Team Permissions Work

  • Web and mobile users will only see accounts assigned to teams that they are a member of.
  • Web and mobile users will only be able to create folders of the type assigned to teams that they are a member of.
  • Web and mobile users will only be able to create forms assigned to teams that they are a member of.
  • Admin users will always be able to see all accounts, create all folders, and create all forms on any device.

Add a Team

Note: Only Admin users can add a team.

  1. Click (Your Name) > Teams in the web app.
  2. In the Teams page, click Add Team .
  3. Give the new team a name.
  4. Click Save .

    List of Teams

Assign Users to a Team

Note: Only Admin users can assign team members.

  1. In the Teams page, select the team you want to add users to by clicking the team.
  2. Within Team Members, click Add Users .
  3. Select the users you want to add to the team.
  4. Click I'm done .

    Teams Users

Assign Accounts to a Team

Note: Only Admin users can assign accounts to teams.

  1. In the Teams page, select the team you want to add accounts to by clicking the team.
  2. Within Assigned Accounts, click Add Account .
  3. Search for the account you want to assign to the team and select the account.
  4. Click Assign to Team .

    Teams account

  5. You can also mass assign all accounts to a Team from the accounts tab.

Assign Folder Types to a Team

Note: Only Admin users can assign folder types to teams.

  1. In the Teams page, select the team you want to add folder types to by clicking the team.
  2. Within Assigned Folder Types, click Add Folder Types .
  3. Select the folder types you want to add to the team.
  4. Click I'm done .

    Teams account

Assign Forms to a Team

Note: Only Admin users can assign forms to teams.

  1. In the Teams page, select the team you want to add forms to by clicking the team.
  2. Within Assigned Forms, click Add Forms .
  3. Search for the forms you want to assign to the team.
  4. Click I'm done .

    Teams account

To Delete a Team

  1. In the Teams page, click the Delete Team icon on the team you want to delete.
  2. Affirm that you want to assign all accounts, users, folder types, and forms by checking each row.
  3. Click Yes, delete the Team to confirm that you want to delete the team.

Note that this will not delete any users, accounts, folders, or forms assigned to the team. You will have to visit each of those areas if you want to delete them from the system.

Teams Delete

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