Create Locations and Areas


There are situations in which the same account will have many physical locations, for this reason we allow you to associate multiple locations to an account. Assigning locations to an account will take the guess work out of determining where attention is needed.

Take it even one step further! To make servicing an account even easier, InspectAll allows you to break each location into several areas.

Add an Account Location and Area WebAdd Locations & Areas

Mobile Instructions

Add a Location

  1. Navigate to the Accounts List.
  2. Tap the account you want to add a location within.
  3. Tap Locations.
  4. Tap + in the top right of the screen.
  5. Enter the Name, ID, Address, City, State, Zip, and Country of the Location.
  6. Tap Create Location.

Add an Account Location Mobile

Add an Area

  1. Navigate to the Accounts List.
  2. Tap the account you want to add an area within.
  3. Tap Locations.
  4. Tap the location you want to add an area within.
  5. Tap + in the top right of the screen.
  6. Enter the Name of the Area.
  7. Tap Create Area.

Add an Account Area Mobile

Web Instructions

Add a Location

  1. Navigate to the individual account's page from anywhere within the application.
  2. Click # Locations. (The number displays the number of locations on the account.)
  3. Click "Add Location".
  4. Enter the Location's Name: Required, The name of the location. (100 character limit)
  5. Enter the Location's ID: Associate an ID with the location. (50 character limit)
  6. Enter the Location's Address: (256 character limit)
  7. Enter the Location's City: (256 character limit)
  8. Enter the Location's State: (50 character limit)
  9. Enter the Location's Zip: (50 character limit)
  10. Enter the Location's Country: (50 character limit)
  11. Click Save.

Add an Account Location and Area Web

Add an Area

  1. Navigate to the individual account's page from anywhere within the application.
  2. Click # Locations. (The number displays the number of locations on the account.)
  3. Click # Areas beside the Location you want to add an area to.
  4. Click Add Area.
  5. Enter the Area's name.
  6. Click Save.

Add an Area Web

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