Individual Question Roll Over

The "Always Roll Over" question feature allows you to set up a specific question on a form to roll over the answer regardless of the priority level found when answering it.

This feature is intended for questions such as measurements that you want to compare month to month or year to year.

When turned on, the feature will roll over the answer to the question and the comments entered on the form in that question regardless of whether you assign the question a low, medium, or high priority.

On the Website

On the InspectAll website, the "Always Roll Over" will work regardless of whether you use the "Priority Roll Over" during copying a Folder. If you add an asset tracking form template to a folder, then any question set up with "Always Roll Over" will look for the last completed form of that type for that asset, and enter the answer from that form on the newly created form.

If you use priority roll over from the website when copying a folder, the answer to any question set up to always roll over will populate regardless of the priority level entered as an answer to that question.

From the Mobile App

On iOS and Android, the "Always Roll Over" feature will work the same as the Priority Roll Over feature except that any question set up to always roll over will copy that answer into the new form even if a low, medium, or high priority wasn't assigned to it on the previously completed form.

More details on the mobile priority roll over can be found HERE

How to Set it Up

  • Go to Form Builder on the website as an Admin
  • Un-publish your form template to make edits
  • Click on the blue pencil icon beside the specific question you want to edit.
  • In the option labeled "* Roll Over? (Always roll over the value entered from the previously completed form to any new form.)" Change the answer to "Yes"

  • Save the question and publish the form.


  • The always roll over feature works on Asset Tracking forms only.
  • The feature will look for the last completed form of the same type (annual to annual or monthly to monthly for example) and roll over the answer entered on the question if turned on.

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