How long can I keep my Schedule on my mobile App?


The Mobile Schedule Window or "sync window" determines how many days of scheduled folders and forms will be shown to you in the mobile app. Once a folder falls outside the sync window, it will no longer be seen on the mobile device. However, once the folder falls off the mobile device, it is not gone! The folder will be stored on the web for as long as you need it.

Get a Folder Back on your MobileApp

Once a folder has fallen outside of the sync window, you'll have to go into the web app and schedule the folder to yourself again.

Update the Schedule Window

  1. Click Your Name > General Settings.
  2. Click the first box to update how many days in the past folders should show to mobile users.
  3. Click the second box to update how many days folders scheduled in the future should display to mobile users.
  4. Click Update General Settings.

Note: Updating the sync window can help you see more folders and forms in the past and future, but it can also cause delays during your initial sync (especially when not working on a WiFi connection). We suggest a sync window of 30 days before today and 30 days after today.

Sync Window

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