Add Comments, Resources, and Files


You can add several resources, files, and even commonly used comments to each question on a form. Utilizing these tools will cut down on the amount of time you spend filling out a form on your mobile device. Comments, files, and resources are customized to fit your specific needs.

You can enter canned comments and resources specific to the question.

First, let's define what each of these additional areas means and what we recommend for each area.

  • Canned Comments: This is where you should write commonly used comments given to the question. You can even associate a specific answer to a canned comment. When the user answers the question, they will be able to choose a canned comment and have it pre-fill the comment field with that canned comment.
  • Resources: This is where you should write any reference material, procedures, or regulations that are relevant to the question being asked. When the user answer the question, they will be able to read any relevant resources and even add a resource to the comment field.
  • Files: This is where you should add any images, pdfs, or word documents relevant to the question. This can be used to display schematics, manufacturer manuals, dimension tables, or any other diagrams to every user who answers the question. They can even attach images to the question and sketch directly on the attached image.

Adding Comments & Resources

From the Website

  1. Within the Form Builder in the web app, click into the form you want to work in.
  2. Click Comments & Resources below the question you want to add your comment or resource to.
  3. Click the + button in the section you'd like to add to.
  4. Save the question
  5. Publish the Form
  6. To see any updates on your mobile app, you will want to do a sync after making changes
  7. If you have added files, you will only have access to them when you are online (cell or WiFi signal).  You can change this setting on iOS devices:  Click HERE for more information.

File types accepted:

  • Images (.jpg, .png, .gif)
  • Microsoft Office Documents (.doc, .xls, .ppt)
  • PDFs (.pdf)
  • Video (.mp4)
  • Audio (.mp3)
  • We strongly recommend you keep all uploaded file sizes < 10mb.

From the Mobile App

You can also add Canned Comments and Resources from the mobile app.  

  1. Once in a question, tap on the "Comments and Resources" option
  2. Then tap the + button at the top right of the screen. 
  3. Enter your comment, and it will be available on that form template moving forward for any new forms created.

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