Adding or Editing an Account


Accounts represent the companies, customers, facilities, and/or departments that you plan to manage with InspectAll.

In a typical "supplier to customer" scenario, an Account represents the customer. The Account Name and Account ID would correspond to the customer name and customer number while the Address fields are typically associated to the customer "bill to" address. Customer "ship to" names and numbers are often associated to Location Names and IDs in InspectAll.

In a typical "in-house" scenario, an Account represents the facility name of unique business units for your company. The Account Name and Account ID should correspond to unique departments or facilities for your company.

Add an Account

Mobile Instructions

  1. Navigate to the Accounts List.
  2. Tap + .
  3. Enter the Name, ID, Address, City, State, Zip and Country of the Account.
  4. Assign the Account to one or more of the Teams (if applicable).
  5. Tap Create Account .

Add an Account Mobile

Web Instructions

  1. Click on Accounts from the main menu.
  2. Click Add Account .
  3. Enter the Name, ID, Status, Address, City, State, Zip, Country of the Account.
  4. Assign the Account to All Users or choose one or more Team(s) by clicking the checkbox beside the team or teams.
  5. Click Create Account .

Add an Account Web

Add Accounts by Import

Download Import Template.xlsx

Using our Import template above, you can import multiple accounts with the following information:

  • Account Name
  • Account ID
  • Address, City, State, Zip, Country
  • Teams (up to 3)

Once you have added all your accounts, send the Excel template back to our  Support Team and we will upload the information. 

Please Note: If the correct information is not placed under the correct columns, the import will fail.  Depending on your on-boarding date, and what was included in your implementation package, and additional charge may apply.  Ask your InspectAll rep for details or find more information on our Professional Services.

Edit an Account

Go into the account on the website by clicking on the blue arrow to the right of the account line.

Once in the account, click on the blue pencil icon beside the name to edit the account name, ID, address, status, account notes, or Teams.

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