Best Practices for using Asset Statuses


Asset statuses are customizable, and allow you to filter by status in many places across the mobile app and website.  Setting up and using your asset statuses consistently will help you to easily schedule follow ups for service.  More information on asset statuses can be found here.

Create New Asset Statuses

As an Admin user, InspectAll allows you to create as many asset statuses as you want, so you can organize and tag your customers' assets, or your internal assets, according to the process you use.  Just click on "Asset Statuses" under your name on the InspectAll website Admin menu.

From there, you can add new statuses, or edit or move existing ones.  Add as many as you want!

Use Asset Statuses to Schedule Follow up's

If you make a habit of updating your asset status when completing an inspection form, then creating follow up service calls is a snap.

Just update your asset when in the form to the new status.

Then, when adding forms to a service folder, you will be able to filter by the status to know which items need repair.

You can filter from the mobile app:

Or from the website:

Provide your customer with a list of Assets that need repair

(Or quickly see a list of internal assets that need repairs)

Automate It!

Use asset status logic in a question on your forms to automatically update the asset status.  Read more about Asset Status Logic here.

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