InspectAll Account Payment and Invoicing Options
InspectAll Invoicing and Payment Options
InspectAll Software LLC offers multiple invoicing and payment options for your convenience. Contact us at with questions.
All users of the InspectAll software accept the terms and conditions as outlined in our Subscription Agreement. You can find the complete agreement HERE.
Auto – Pay through the User Interface
This option allows you to enter and manage your credit card payment as an Administrator from the InspectAll website. Paying through the user interface also allows you the convenience of adding and removing user licenses yourself without contacting us to make changes.
If you are currently receiving monthly invoices and would like to switch to this option, just contact us. More information on managing your automated billing through the user interface can be found
We can set up monthly, quarterly, or annual invoices to be sent to your accounts payable department. These invoices are emailed as a link. Upon clicking the link, you can choose your payment method or download a PDF file of the invoice.
Please note that the subject line will include the invoice number from InspectAll Software. Subject lines cannot be modified. We do not reformat invoice submissions, but offer many payment options so that you are able to export the information and input into your billing system as needed.
To be invoiced, we require a minimum of five monthly user licenses, or if you have fewer than five user licenses, you can be invoiced annually and pay at the beginning of the billing cycle.
You can also set up automatic payment through this link by clicking on the “Auto Pay” box.

If you are invoiced for your implementation fee/start-up package, any amount that is unpaid 90 days after the due date will be automatically charged to the credit card on file.
Pricing is based on the user tier for an individual account. User licenses cannot be combined from separate accounts to apply discounts.
Vendor Portals
If you have a vendor portal, and would like to set us up, you can use the email address for notifications.
We do not provide uploads of invoices and will not utilize vendor portals to submit invoices. All invoices will be submitted as a link via email to the email address provided to us.
We accept payment via check, credit card, ACH, or wire transfer. All amounts are in US Dollars. Any fees associated with payments, returned payments, or transfer charges are the responsibility of the customer.
If you wish to set up ACH payments, you can do so through our billing interface via the link that is emailed to you. We do not fill out or provide ACH forms, but you have access to fill out this information via our billing system link.
Credit Card Updates
You can update your credit card information in the user interface under billing if you are on auto-pay. Or through the billing portal if you are on invoicing. InspectAll employees do not accept credit card information over the phone or by email.
Past Due Accounts
InspectAll will send you several reminders if your account goes past due. In order to avoid disruption of service, please contact us with payment status at if your payment will be delayed past the due date.
Purchase Orders
If your account utilizes purchase orders, please ensure that a purchase order is issued prior to the billing cycle for which it covers. Purchase orders will not be requested by the InspectAll billing department, but can be submitted to prior to the billing cycle for which they apply. The InspectAll billing will continue even if a purchase order is not issued. Failure to issue a purchase order does not serve as notice to close or modify your InspectAll account or billing. To cancel your account or update your user licenses, please do so prior to the next billing cycle. You can do so by contacting
Billing Contact
If your billing contact changes, please contact us at so that your invoices can be updated.
User Licenses and User Logins
Please note that deleting a user login does not delete the license. You will be billed for the user license until you modify your license count through the user interface (if you are on auto-pay) or contact us at to update your license count. More information on updating user licenses can be found