Questions Missing From Report
If you find that questions are missing from your report, you likely have a priority level set up that is excluding them from the output.
A folder report can be set up to exclude questions marked with an "n/a" priority level. The "n/a" priority level should be used on answer selections that aren't applicable, and therefore shouldn't show up on your report. If you have the default answer for a question that isn't showing up set to "n/a" and your report is set up to exclude questions that are marked with an "n/a" priority level, then the question won't populate on your report output.
To update this option, you have a couple of options.
- Update the default answer selection for the question to a different priority level. Instructions here:
- Update your Folder Settings for that Folder Type to show questions marked with an "n/a" priority. Instructions here: :
- Manually change the priority level on the question itself to something other than "n/a". Instructions here: