Working with the Calendar

The InspectAll calendar can be accessed on the Web App.

It saves your time and energy by providing a scheduling solution that is fast and intuitive. Scheduling more than a few workers in the field can often be time consuming, with InspectAll's calendar, you can easily view all of your users' schedules and help them plan and collaborate their days.

Schedule a folder, and the rest is taken care of for you! The next time that user syncs, they will have all of the necessary folder details, assets, and forms available right when they need it. Use the calendar to share, schedule, and edit folders to other users and keep everyone on the same page.

To start using InspectAll’s calendar today - login at and click Calendar in the main menu.

Viewing the Schedule

When you first visit the Calendar tab on the website, you'll see your own schedules automatically. You may want to change your filter to see additional users on the calendar. To do this, click the gear icon in the top right corner and select the teams you want to see on your calendar.

Filter Schedule

You’ll see a weekly view of all the folders that your users in InspectAll have scheduled to them.

Schedule Weekly Calendar

To move to the next or previous week on the schedule, scroll left or right within the window.

To move to the next or previous month click < or > in the upper right corner of the screen.

To move the schedule back to Today's date, click Today in the upper right corner of the screen.

To see the entire month of schedules, click Month . You can easily print an entire month by clicking Print in the month view.

Calendar Permissions

Admin users will be able to see all users within the calendar and all of their scheduled folders. Administrators can edit, share, delete, and click into the schedule's folder of every user's work.

Web users calendar is limited to only the users who share a team with them. Additionally, web users are not allowed to edit, share, delete, or click into the schedule's folder if the schedule is not within an account assigned to their team.

Calendar permissions

Note: in the photo above, this web user is able to edit the schedule on the top (Facility Inspection), but not able to edit the schedule on the bottom (Annual Safety Inspection)

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