Use Folder Types to Create a Workflow


Different workflows in InspectAll can be handled very efficiently by customizing your Folder Settings and creating categories and Folder Types. 

We suggest setting up a different folder type for each workflow. Since folder types can service as "labels" for the work completed, they can be changed as a job moves to the next stage.

How Does it Work?

Let's say you have a Folder Category of INSPECTIONS.

Under that category, you may have different types of inspections, based on frequency, or the item inspected.

Your organization could look like this:

INSPECTIONS (Folder Category)

  • Annual Inspections
  • Quarterly Inspection
  • Monthly Inspections
  • Weekly Inspections

You can create a workflow to easily see where in the process a job is by creating additional Folder Categories with the same Folder Types under each category.  

INSPECTIONS (Folder Category)

  • Annual Inspections
  • Quarterly Inspection
  • Monthly Inspections
  • Weekly Inspections

REPAIRS (Folder Category)

  • Annual Inspections
  • Quarterly Inspection
  • Monthly Inspections
  • Weekly Inspections

TO BE BILLED (Folder Category)

  • Annual Inspections
  • Quarterly Inspection
  • Monthly Inspections
  • Weekly Inspections

Then, when you are done with an inspection, and have found priorities that require follow up for repair, you can change the folder type so that they are now under the "REPAIRS" category.  Do the same when done with the repairs so that your billing department knows what needs to be billed.

To change the folder type, simply click on the "Edit Folder" button in a folder, and choose a new type to send it to the next "Stage" in your process.

You can do the same from the mobile app by clicking on the Folder Details and updating the Folder Type there.

How Do I Search for a Folder by Type?

Using this workflow allows any user to login on the web and easily access the jobs based on where it is in the workflow.

For instance, if your job is invoicing, and you want to be able to quickly see what jobs need to be billed, just go to the folder grid, and use your Folder Filters to see the jobs you need to bill out.

How do I Create new Folder Types?

As an Admin user, you can login to the InspectAll website, and create or update your Folder Settings to manage your folder types.

Just click on your name on the website, and select the "Folder Settings" option from the drop down menu.

Use the +Add Folder Type to create new types and categories, or the Blue Pencil icon to edit existing ones.

Step by Step instructions on setting up new Folder Categories and Types can be found HERE.

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