Team Scheduling Feature

Team Scheduling


Team scheduling allows an admin user to schedule a folder to all users of a team instead of just individual users.  The team scheduling feature will work for any of the Teams you custom create (NOT the default "All Users" team).  

Teams can be set up and managed on the Admin Menu. More information about teams can be found HERE.

Note:  The initial release of this Team Scheduling feature allows a user to EDIT an existing folder to assign it to a Team of users.  Upcoming releases will also allow a user to schedule a folder to a team upon creation.

How it Works

Go into an existing folder on the InspectAll website.

From within the folder, click on the Scheduling icon on the toolbar.

In the Scheduling screen you can click on the blue pencil icon to edit an existing schedule or click on the green Add icon to create a new schedule for the folder

In the next screen, you can choose to schedule the folder to an individual user or a Team of users.  Then click on "Create Schedule" once you are done.

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