How do I Omit a Form from a Folder Report?

Sometimes you may want to download a folder report and exclude one or more of the forms in that folder.

There are a couple of options for omitting a form from a folder report.

Option 1:

From the website, within a folder, click on the "Eye" icon to the right of the form you want to exclude to gray it out. That will automatically omit it from the folder report.

You are also able to set up a form template to default to "hidden" in a folder report. That option can be completed in Form Builder. You are able to override this setting by manually clicking on the eye icon within a folder on the website to show the form. More details HERE.

Option 2:

Do NOT mark that form "Complete".  

Then when you download the report, choose the option to "Download Completed forms Only."

Option 3:

You can also set up your folder type to automatically omit forms that aren't marked complete (you can do this in Folder Settings).

Alternatively, if you do want to mark the form complete, and have it still not show up on the report, you can set up the following option:

- In folder settings, set up the folder type to show only questions with a priority identified (exclude N/A).

- Ensure your answers on the form you want to exclude are all marked with an "N/A" priority.

Then, just ask us and we can adjust a setting on the back end that will exclude forms from the report where no priorities are found.

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