Customize Folder Report Cover Page
Customize Report Cover Page
From the InspectAll website, you can update Folder Report cover pages from the Admin Menu.
- As an Admin user, from the InspectAll website, click
(Your Name)
at the top right and selectFolder Settings
- Click on the blue pencil icon beside the
Folder Type
that you want to edit. (Each folder type can have a unique folder report format)
Cover Page
- Click
Show Cover Page
to show or hide the report's cover page.
Report Cover Sheet Header
- Click
Upload Header
to select a file containing a custom header image. If there is already an image in the Header Section, first delete the image by clicking on the red delete icon, then click on "upload header" to add a new image.
Edit content
- Use the Tool Bar in the content section to update font styles, or add information to be automatically pulled from the Folder details.
- Click
Insert Folder Data
to add information fields to your cover page. - You can insert any information from the drop down list that will automatically populate on the cover sheet of your report. This information will show up in brackets on the cover sheet content section in Folder Settings. { }
- For Dates, you can insert the Date Created or Date Closed (which will be based on when the folder was created or closed). Or if you want the cover sheet to show the date the report was printed, enter "@Month/@Day/@Year". Completed dates will show up on FORMS automatically.
- Folder Type will pull the Name of the Folder Type into your report. So, for instance, if you are doing an Annual Inspection Folder type, that is the information that will show up where you insert the Folder Type data.
- If you want to be able to manually add information on the cover sheet, use the "Description" field. The description field pulls any information you enter in the Folder Description on a folder (from the website or mobile app).
- Edit font style, alignment, and size.
- Click on the text box to edit the fields.
To Add Account Notes to the Cover Page of your Folder Report
By default, the Account Notes fields and data entered in these fields will not show up on your Folder Reports that you provide to your customers. To add Account Notes to the cover page, go to the Cover Page details, and type in
- @AccountRef1 (For your Account Note 1)
- @AccountRef2 (For your Account Note 2)
- @AccountRef3 (For your Account Note 3)
To Add Folder Notes to the Cover Page of your Folder Report
By default, the Folder Notes fields and data entered in these fields will not show up on your Folder Reports that you provide to your customers. To add Folder Notes to the cover page, go to the Cover Page details, and type in
@FolderRef1 (For your Folder Note 1)
@FolderRef2 (For your Folder Note 2)
@FolderRef3 (For your Folder Note 3)
More details on updating your Cover Page can be found HERE
Footer Image
- Click
Upload Footer
to select a file containing a custom footer image. - Click
to save.