Can my users share a license?

In InspectAll, each user that you want to have access to your account will need their own unique user license. 

Here's why!

- Users each have their own unique login and password.  So everything that user does in InspectAll ties back to them for complete accountability. 

- If more than one user shares a license, then users will have access to change information under that user license name.

- On the mobile app, if two users are using the same license, it's very likely that you will lose data.  The InspectAll app updates the information collected based on the last sync on that user license login.  So if two users are on the same login on the mobile app, they can overwrite each other's information.  

- And since license sharing is a violation of the master subscription agreement, we aren't able to support users who do not have a license.

- InspectAll also has a device limit feature which prevents user sharing on mobile apps. Please be sure each of your users has their own unique login to prevent any loss of data.  You can read more about Device Management here.

If you need to add a user license to your account, here's how: Add or Update User Licenses

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